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Budget-Friendly Outdoor Rattan Patio Furniture

I love rattan furniture for any room in my house, inside or out. But did you know that not all rattan furniture is outdoor-safe? Rattan is a natural material found in tropical climates. It can do OK outside if it's in a covered area to protect it from rain, but most of your outdoor rattan needs to be synthetic or outdoor-rated to last.

I saved you the trouble of looking by rounding up my favorite pieces and listing them here. Not only are these pieces adorable and weather-proof but none of these cost more than $700 and most are much less. There's often sales on a lot of the items too. Keep in mind that some of these pieces tend to sell out frequently but often come back in stock quickly, so sign up for alerts on the retailer's website and you wont miss when it's back!

I personally own the daybed and love it. It's so cute on our balcony.

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Happy Shopping!


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